Student Support Services
Academic Program
Roxbury Elementary School uses a workshop approach to all areas of instruction. The workshop method relies heavily on the involvement of the learner in formulating or constructing knowledge through hands-on, small-group and individual explorations, using concrete objects (books/ writing/ manipulatives) or technology. The workshop method helps the instructor create an environment in which the learner is more likely to be involved and motivated. The workshop method focuses on participatory, hands-on learning; small-group activity and problem solving; pair and small-group discussions; etc. As a result, because of the "active" rather than "passive" nature of the experience, larger numbers of learners are motivated to participate and learn. Those using the workshop method do not focus on telling students information. Instead, they essentially create learning experiences that guide, direct, and facilitate the acquisition of new knowledge by the learner.
The Stamford Public School's Curriculum is standards-based. The standards are identified by the Connecticut State Department of Education Standards are clear, measurable learning targets that define what all students should know and be able to do by the end of each grade and for each academic area. A standards-based system measures each student against the grade level expectation, instead of measuring how well the student performed compared to others. Curriculum, assessments, and professional development are aligned to the standards. Academic Learning Standards have been summarized in to Learning Goals to the left of this page.