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How to Fill Out AUP/Tech Forms in Power School

In order for your child to use technology during the school you to complete some 'forms' in Power School that will give  your child permission to use technology.

What are the Forms?
  • Acceptable Use 
    • You allow SPS to gather student information for use on Google & other educational programs; students agree to use appropriate language/behavior when using devices 
  • SPS Technology Device Agreement
    • Complete this form to let us know if your child will need to BORROW a device from the school
  • Media Consent
    • This form gives us permission to post photos of your child online
How do I complete these forms?

If you need help logging in,  please contact school's OSS, Mr. Cesar Valencia or Mrs. Linda Santoro or Ms. Nithiwadee Suparattananon (TISS).